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Texas Association of Counties
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    News Article

    Website Accessibility Tips & Resources

    June 10, 2022

     TAC CIRA  There are certain steps you may take to help people with disabilities access your website’s information.


    Blog: 2022 hurricane season expected to churn out above-average storm numbers

    May 31, 2022

    Federal forecasters predict up to 21 named storms


    Blog: ‘It’s not if but when’ is resounding message at County Technology Workshop

    May 23, 2022

    Counties need to protect themselves before ransomware wreaks havoc


    Blog: More support needed for rural health care, panelists say

    May 19, 2022

    Texas Association of Counties sponsored a Texas Tribune talk on the topic

    News Article

    May a member of the public film an open meeting?

    May 17, 2022

     Legal Services 

    News Article

    How are public members of the salary grievance committee selected?

    May 17, 2022

     Legal Services 


    Blog: Where are the healthiest counties in Texas?

    May 11, 2022

    Rankings help determine what changes need to be made


    Blog: Mail-in ballot rejections by Texas county

    April 26, 2022

    Secretary of State’s Office will be tracking rejection data in upcoming elections

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