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Texas Association of Counties
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    Texas Counties 101

    Across the state, 254 counties serve the needs of more than 28 million Texans.

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    About Texas Counties

    Picture of Upton County Court House

    Across the state, 254 counties serve the needs of more than 28 million Texans. County populations range in size from just under 100 residents (Loving County) to more than 4.6 million (Harris County).

    The major responsibilities of Texas county government include:

    • Providing public safety and justice
    • Holding elections at every level of government
    • Maintaining Texans’ most important records
    • Building and maintaining roads, bridges and in some cases, county airports
    • Providing emergency management services
    • Providing health and safety services
    • Collecting property taxes for the county and sometimes for other taxing entities
    • Issuing vehicle registration and transfers
    • Registering voters.

    Some counties are able to offer libraries, parks and other programs that add to the quality of life for local residents. Many play a vital role in the economic development of their local areas.

    Effective, Efficient, Local Solutions

    County government is the functional arm of state government and delivers many state services at the local level.

    As more federal and state responsibilities are mandated to local government, counties meet these demands and efficiently deliver a growing list of services while keeping local property taxes as low as possible.

    County government and county officials also understand and respond to address the problems and priorities of their local communities. Officials are neighbors serving neighbors. They are elected by the communities in which they live and work.

    Counties, Distinctly Texas

    Texas Counties Deliver logo

    Texas Counties Deliver

    Improving the public’s understanding of the value of county government and the essential services it provides Texans.

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    Texas County Officials

    County officials are your neighbors - they pay the same taxes you pay and drive the same roads you do. In Texas, county government delivers services through a variety of elected officials rather than through one central authority.