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Texas Association of Counties
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    Resource Library

    Search and view every resource that is currently available on our website.


    Special Presentation Request Form

     Education and Training  These engaging and informative presentations are available at no fee to TAC members and TAC founding organizations.


    Investment Academy Call for Presentations Form

     Education and Training  Submit a proposal to be a presenter for an upcoming County Investment Academy conference or training event.


    County Treasurer (CE)

     Education and Training  A county treasurer must successfully complete an introductory course of instruction in the performance of the duties of county treasurer.


    Order Form Legislative Analysis Report

     Legislative  Legislative Analysis Report Order Form, 88th Legislature.

    Education & Training

    Resources for Course Administrators

     Education and Training  The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) provides Texas local government employees with a free cybersecurity training course that fulfills the requirements of Texas Government Code § 2054.5191 each year.


    ePay Program

     TAC CIRA  TAC CIRA helps counties get their electronic payments processed efficiently and conveniently.


    TAC CIRA Website Training

     TAC CIRA  TAC CIRA offers county staff members the training needed to effectively manage your TAC CIRA website — your online presence to your constituents.


    Wondr Health™

     Health & Employee Benefits Pool  An innovative online program that focuses on how you eat – more than what you eat – simultaneously reducing weight, metabolic risk factors and chronic disease risks.


    County Magazine

     News & Information A Publication of the Texas Association of Counties


    County Trading Post Card

     Resources for Officials PDF postcard for the Tradin Post where you can buy and sell equipment.


    The TAC Way Booklet

     Resources for Officials The mission of the Texas Association of Counties is to unite counties to achieve better solutions.


    County Investment Academy (CIA) Card

     Resources for Officials Upcoming academy trainings.

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