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Texas Association of Counties
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    Resource Library

    Search and view every resource that is currently available on our website.

    Education & Training

    Investment Academy

     Education and Training  Leadership 254 is designed to advance the skills of county officials to enable them to meet the unique challenges of their duties and to enhance their leadership skills and style.

    Education & Training

    Catastrophe Resources

     Risk Management Pool  Creating a Catastrophe Preparedness & Response Plan (CPR) will help prevent the loss of life and property.

    Education & Training

    Access Transcripts Online

     Education and Training  Continuing Education transcripts for judges, commissioners, tax assessor-collectors, treasurers and for the County Investment Academy and Commissioners Court Advanced Curriculum can now be accessed by logging into your profile.

    Education & Training

    County Elections Academy

     Education and Training  The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) County Elections Academy provides educational opportunities to help the county officials and personnel responsible for holding efficient and secure elections. 

    Education & Training

    Event Presentations

     Education and Training  Our goal is to equip county officials and employees with resources to help them effectively carry out their duties. Following each TAC education and training event, we are pleased to provide access to the presentation materials used (slides, handouts, etc.) for those who would like them and for those unable to attend.

    Education & Training

    County Elections Academy Calendar of Events

     Education and Training  Visit our calendar for more information and to register for a specific County Electins Academy event.

    Education & Training

    Resources for Course Administrators

     Education and Training  The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) provides Texas local government employees with a free cybersecurity training course that fulfills the requirements of Texas Government Code § 2054.5191 each year.

    Education & Training

    Benefits of TAC RMP Membership

     Risk Management Pool  TAC RMP is governed by a Board of Directors comprised exclusively of Texas county officials who understand counties' needs firsthand.

    Education & Training

    Request Training

     TAC CIRA  TAC CIRA offers county staff members the training needed to effectively manage your TAC CIRA website — your online presence to your constituents.

    Education & Training

    Investment Academy Call for Presentations

     Education and Training  Submit a proposal to be a presenter for an upcoming County Investment Academy conference or training event.

    Education & Training

    Investment Academy Quarterly Survey

     Education and Training  This survey provides data that will guide the County Investment Academy as it works on the structure and design of future training.

    Education & Training

    Investment Academy Rules and Resources

     Education and Training  For membership criteria, pre-approved outside programs, outside hours application and to join the Listserv.

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