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    Education & Training

    The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) provides a wide variety of coordinated, professionally planned training events to address the daily challenges of county officials and staff.

    Education & Training

    Leadership 254 Agenda, Dates and Locations

    Leadership 254 is a four-module, continual program. Participants are required to attend and complete all four modules in sequence.

    TAC will send a detailed agenda to participants prior to the start date of all modules. Lodging is included and TAC will manage the hotel reservations for each module.

    Module Summaries

    Module 1: Exploring New Dimensions of Self and Your Relationship With Others

    Feb. 18-21, 2025 – Wildcatter Ranch (outside Graham)

    "As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world ... as in being able to remake ourselves." — Mahatma Gandhi

    Leadership 254 begins by introducing participants to the concept of self-awareness, self-exploration and self-discovery through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment. Participants engage in interactive activities and discussions that allow them to see that leadership is an inside-out phenomenon. Participants reflect on their self-image compared to how others see them and discern between mental, emotional and mechanical dimensions of leadership.

    Module 2: Ethics and Integrity: Being Accountable for All Decisions

    May 20-23, 2025 – Cavalry Court  (College Station)

    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

    This module will provide participants with a practical definition of ethical behavior and the opportunity to practice solving real-life ethical dilemmas by determining the ethical resolution of each.

    Participants will also:

    1. Define the term "ethics" in the workplace and what constitutes an "ethical" work environment in including the use of social media.
    2. Identify the benefits and obstacles to maintaining an ethical workplace and methods to overcome the obstacles.
    3. Identify common ethical problems that county leaders face daily.
    4. Discuss ethical considerations that must be taken into account when dealing with team members, customers and the public.
    5. Use a decision-making matrix, identify problems and methods to increase positive results.
    6. Define office politics and how to effectively use positive office politics to increase productivity of the team.
    7. Identify how one’s integrity and decisions impact overall results and ultimately organizational success.
    8. Develop action-plans to increase accountability in the workplace.
    Module 3: Leading Others: Your Team, Peers, Constituents

    Oct. 21-24, 2025 – Lone Star Court (Austin)

    "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." —  John Quincy Adams

    Module 3 teaches participants how to align and inspire teams, how to collaborate with and influence others, and how to create a vision that others will follow. It is built on the foundation of Module 1 and the introspection of Module 2 and continues the participant’s journey to better understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their leadership style.

    Participants will also enhance their public communication skills through experiential media relations training. The module will be thought-provoking, practical; and challenging while participants develop the necessary and effective skills to lead teams, peers and constituents while discerning the illusion of control.

    Module 4: Transformational Leadership and You

    April 21-24, 2026 – Rough Creek Lodge (Glen Rose) 

    "The important thing is: be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become." — Charles Du Bos

    Becoming a transformational leader centers on creating your own transformational leadership mission, metrics and plan to fully utilize the wisdom and competencies learned in Modules 1 through 4. Participants will evaluate themselves, their environment, and their organizational systems so they can lead more effectively when they return to their county.

    The StrengthsFinder Assessment given in this module identifies an individual’s unique strengths and the effective ways to utilize those strengths both personally and professionally. Participants free themselves of the limitations they have identified over the course of the curriculum and define a transformational leadership plan intended for the course of their career.

    Leadership 254 Details

    Education & Training

    Continuing Education Credit

     Education and Training  TAC submits applications for CE credit to each governing body. Upon approval, the number of hours will be posted.

    Education & Training

    Agenda, Dates and Locations

     Education and Training  TAC will send a detailed agenda to participants prior to the start date of all modules. Lodging is included, and TAC will manage the hotel reservations for each module.

    Education & Training

    Assignments and Expectations

     Education and Training  Leadership 254 challenges, stretches and, most importantly, transforms participants into leaders who can positively affect their counties and Texas.

    Education & Training

    Testimonials and Alumni

     Education and Training  Read testimonials from Leadership 254 alumni and learn what they got out of the program.


    2025-2026 Class Roster

     Education and Training  
    The 2025-2026 Leadership 254 class participants will be announced January 2025.

    Haley Click Director of Education & Member Services
    Marisol Ybarra Education & Events Project Manager
    (800) 456-5974

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