Continuing Education Requirements
Education and Training We have partnered with several major Texas universities as co-sponsors of our programs to help you stay up-to-date with your required Continuing Education (CE) hours.
News & Information A podcast from the Texas Association of Counties about the people, issues and all things important to Texans and Texas counties.
Education and Training TAC submits applications for CE credit to each governing body. Upon approval, the number of hours will be posted.
TAC CIRA Log in to your TAC CIRA-hosted email account.
TAC CIRA Ensure you’re getting the most out of your Microsoft 365 email services.
County Judges Education Advisory Committee
Education and Training The County Judges Education Advisory Committee has supported judicial education programs for constitutional county judges.
Legislative Texas is one of only four states that have biennial budgets and biennial legislative sessions. Texas’ two-year budget takes roughly twice that amount of time to prepare, produce and administer.
Legislative Directory Order Form
Resources for Officials Our Legislative Directory for the 89th Legislature includes contact information for TAC's Legislative Services team, county affiliate leaders, and Texas House and Senate members. Order your copy here.
Education and Training The Texas Judicial Academy's mission is to ensure judicial excellence through providing education and resources for the constitutional county courts of Texas.
Education and Training Continuing Education transcripts for judges, commissioners, tax assessor-collectors, treasurers and for the County Investment Academy and Commissioners Court Advanced Curriculum can now be accessed by logging into your profile.
Annual Cybersecurity Compliance Training
Education and Training Texas Government Code § 2054.5191 requires all county employees, elected officials and appointed officials who have access to a local government computer system or database to complete an annual cybersecurity training that has been certified by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR).
Education and Training The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) County Elections Academy provides educational opportunities to help the county officials and personnel responsible for holding efficient and secure elections.