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Texas Association of Counties
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    County Relations Officer (CRO)

    County officials' connection to TAC resources, services and benefits.

    As a member of the Texas Association of Counties (TAC), your county has a County Relations Officer (CRO) dedicated to helping you and your county succeed. As former county judges, the CROs understand what it means to serve county constituents, and they can help you leverage TAC's network of resources, services and benefits. They’ll be able to connect you with the information you need.

    CROs are also available for county visits. Each CRO is constantly travelling to visit with the counties in their region. Click the CROs' headshots below to get to know each one a bit more. Contact your CRO to request a visit today!

    Meet the CROs

    Alan Bristol
    CRO for Far West, West & Central Texas
    Rhita Koches
    CRO for East Texas
    Jay Mayden
    CRO for the Panhandle Region
    Tramer Woytek
    Judicial Resource Liaison & CRO for South Texas