Comprehensive Risk Management and Benefits Services
TAC Consultants offer knowledge and insight to help county decision-makers understand the various types of risk and the coverage available to reduce the risk, keep unemployment costs down and understand how to fashion an affordable employee benefits plan.
- The TAC Health and Employee Benefits Pool members enjoy the benefits of the Healthy County wellness program and benefits specialists who can advise counties regarding benefit plan designs.
- The TAC Risk Management Pool offers members training and support from specialists in safety and risk management, human resources and law enforcement. Learn more about Risk Control services available.
- The TAC Unemployment Compensation Group Account Fund members receive representation upon request at unemployment hearings and receive training in best employment practices from TAC’s Human Resources Consultants.
Pool Coverage and Related Services
Since 1974, counties have been pooling their resources through TAC for protection against a broad range of liabilities and risks, to provide affordable health benefits to county officials and employees, and to pay for the unemployment benefits required by law.
Owned and managed by counties, the TAC Health and Employee Benefits Pool, TAC Risk Management Pool and TAC Unemployment Compensation Group Account Fund have saved Texas taxpayers millions of dollars and has grown to become stable, sustainable resources specifically tailored for the unique needs of counties. TAC’s pools offer all of the coverage necessary for counties, county officials and county employees.
TAC's Pools offer members:
Sound county governance – Each TAC pool is governed by a Board of Directors comprised exclusively of Texas county officials who understand counties’ needs firsthand.
Strength in numbers – TAC pools provide benefit by leveraging the combined purchasing power of all member counties, getting the best value for the cost of coverage.
Financial stability – Effectively administered by TAC, pools undergo outside audits to ensure financial accountability.
Relevant and Timely Legal Information
County government operates within a complex web of laws and regulations. One of the greatest challenges county officials face is ensuring that operations are not only efficient, but also within the law. That's where the TAC Legal Services Department can help.
The Association's toll-free TAC Legal Helpline, (888) ASK-TAC4, connects county officials with TAC legal specialists who can assist them in researching issues and finding statutes, opinions and court cases relevant to a particular county situation.
TAC's Legal Services Department provides many legal resources online, including notice of upcoming legal deadlines, a wide variety of legal publications, links to helpful legal resources and a search mechanism for laws and codes.
Learn more:
Legislative Support
TAC's Legislative Services Department helps county officials connect with state officials in Austin and federal officials in Washington, D.C., to provide important information to the leadership.
Both legislators and state agency leaders turn to TAC to find out how county officials feel about important issues that affect county government, while county officials count on TAC Legislative Consultants to provide them with relevant information and voice county concerns to state officials.
TAC Legislative staff also promote county interests by serving on state and federal advisory committees and workgroups.
Learn more:
- Legislative Issues Affecting Counties
- Become an Advocate, Join the TAC Core Legislative Group
- Access Legislative Resources
Education and Training to Fit Your Needs
TAC’s training programs are designed and guided by county officials. They target the needs of the county audience and provide a unique opportunity for everyone to participate in coordinated, professionally planned educational activities that offer great networking opportunities.
They meet the mandatory educational requirements of most county offices, and many are co-sponsored by state institutions of higher learning including the V.G. Young Institute of County Government, Texas State University and Texas Tech University.
TAC also offers affiliate county official organizations a slate of services including:
- Conference management
- Event registration
- Continuing education tracking
- Dues management.
Learn more:
- Leadership 254
- Judicial Education Program
- County Investment Academy
- More Education & Training information
- Calendar of Events
A Network of Communications
TAC coordinates the flow of county-related information through a variety of publications, the TAC website, social media channels and other communications to keep county officials informed about issues affecting local government.
Technology Solutions
The TAC County Information Resources Agency (TAC CIRA) works to help all counties have the means and resources to implement secure technology to keep them operating efficiently and connected to their constituents.
TAC CIRA provides a wide variety of technology services for all counties that include:
- Web hosting and content management
- Secure email services including archiving and eDiscovery
- Electronic payments processing
- Domain Name System hosting
- Assistance with domain registration
- Training
Supported by TAC CIRA, the Association offers free online communities for specific county offices so county officials can communicate with each other, get their questions answered and keep abreast of current issues. Membership in some of these is limited to particular officials or organizations.
Member Solutions
The Association’s Membership Services team provides new services and programs that fulfill counties' evolving needs. Does your county have an emerging need? Let us know.
Digital Tools:
Your region's County Relations Officer (CRO) is a one-stop shop to help you get connected to TAC resources, best practices, education and more. With considerable county government experience, these professionals can consult with you, connect you to peers in other counties, etc. Who's my CRO?