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    2025 County and District Clerks' Association of Texas Winter Conference

    • February 03, 2025 - February 06, 2025 Multi-day
    • 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center
      3100 Town Center Trl.
      Denton, TX 76201
    • Contact Luz Hinojosa or Sam Burke​ at (800) 456-5974.
    • Contact Us
    2025 County and District Clerks' Association of Texas Winter Conference

    Location: Registration Desk

    Location: Pioneer IV

    Presenter: Hon. Laura Rogers, Sherman County Combination Clerk
    Learn about new developments in the elections process for clerks with election duties.

    Location: Triangle Ballroom

    Attendees will divide into groups based on their county population in these three categories: Small (25K and under); Medium (25K-100K); and Large (100K and above). The interactive discussion will address the following topics:
    • Blood Warrants
    • All Warrants
    • Bill of Costs
    • Enhanced Misdemeanors or Reduced Felony
    • Exhibits

    Location: Small: Chilton Medium: Triangle Ballroom Large: Pioneer III

    Location: Foyer

    A panel of seasoned clerks will share their knowledge and experiences, and they will answer questions. Sessions will remain in the breakout format by county population: Small (25K and under); Medium (25K-100K); and Large (100K and above).

    Location: Small: Chilton Medium: Triangle Ballroom Large: Pioneer III

    (optional or to be held virtual prior to conference)
    · Education Committee Meeting
    · Legislative Committee Meeting
    · Bylaws Committee Meeting
    · Banking and Finance Committee Meeting
    · Community Outreach Meeting

    Location: Triangle Ballroom

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Location: Registration Desk

    Silent auction and the store will open only during breaks and lunch.

    Location: Pioneer I-II

    Welcome • Invocation • Presentation of Colors • National Anthem • Pledges of Allegiance • Sponsor Videos
    Moderator: Hon. John F. Warren, Dallas County Clerk; President, CDCAT

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Presenter: Eric McElvenny, Keynote Speaker
    Resilience manifests in different ways at various points in our lives. During his final deployment in Afghanistan, our keynote speaker, Eric McElvenny, was severely wounded by an IED. This life-changing event marked the beginning of his next chapter. Throughout his recovery, Eric learned that the strategies and mindset that helped him overcome adversity could be applied to the challenges we all face in life. Don’t miss Eric’s inspiring message!

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Sponsored by Revolution Data Systems

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Presenters: Panel
    CDCAT takes great pride in hosting annual conferences designed to offer its members valuable educational content, networking opportunities, and timely updates on key industry issues. In this session, CDCAT leadership will walk attendees through the entire process of organizing a conference, covering everything from curriculum development to selecting food and beverage options, and every detail in between.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Location: Triangle Ballroom

    Presenters: Panel
    Join us for a discussion about current legislation led by CDCAT’s legislative team, who will share strategies for the upcoming 89th legislative session. Stay informed and prepared for the political landscape ahead.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Sponsored by GovOS and Harris Recording Solutions

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Presenters: Panel
    This session offers relevant updates from the Office of Court Administration and the Judicial Committee on Information Technology (JCIT).

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Location: Registration Desk

    Silent auction and the store will open only during breaks and lunch. Auction ends at 3:30 p.m. break.

    Location: Pioneer I-II

    Sponsored by LGS

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Presenter: Brian Wolfe, Financial Crimes Investigator, District Attorney’s Office, Denton County
    This session will focus on Section 51.901 of the Texas Government Code. The statute outlines the procedures clerks must follow if they suspect that documents filed or recorded are fraudulent. The presenter will provide a comprehensive review of this statute and its implications for clerks.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Sponsored by Certified Payments by Deluxe and Tyler Technologies

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Presenter: Christopher Fiest, CJIS Training and Development Specialist, Compliance and Training Bureau, Texas Department of Public Safety
    The goal of this session is to provide attendees with training addressing what the clerks’ reporting responsibilities are and some best practices to accomplish them.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Presenter: Job Espinoza, Texas Ranger
    Elite, heroic, and honorable are some of the words used to describe the legendary law enforcement officers known as the Texas Rangers. The Texas Rangers have over 200 years of history and they have evolved into a diverse organization that serves all 254 counties in Texas. In this session, a Texas Ranger will remind us of the importance of ethics in the realm of public service. Ethical education for elected officials is crucial for maintaining public trust, promoting good governance, and ensuring that decisions are made with the welfare of the community in mind.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Presenter: Summer Simmons, Chief Deputy County Clerk, Parker County
    Bring your laptop to make this hands-on training on e-File more effective. It is not mandatory to bring your laptop, but we highly encourage it.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Sponsored by Kofile

    Location: Equestrian Ballroom

    Presenter: Summer Simmons, Chief Deputy County Clerk, Parker County

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Sponsored by US Imaging
    Join us for a festive Red, White and Blue Dinner and Dance! Dress in your patriotic best and enjoy an evening of delicious food, great music and dancing!

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Location: Registration Desk

    Location: Foyer

    Presenter: Debra Aiken, Ed.D., Training and Development Manager, Denton County
    The concept of appreciation in the workplace is highly relevant to the development and sustainment
    of a positive working environment. Individuals at every level of an organization strongly desire to be
    appreciated and valued for who they are as individuals, as well as the contributions they make to the
    organization. This session provides a look into the different ways employees communicate appreciation
    and the power of communicating real, authentic appreciation, with the intended goal of building a culture of appreciation across the workforce.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom

    Presenters: Panel
    This session reviews the protective order processes from A to Z. Every county has different processes for protective orders. This session will present ways of approaching protective orders processes that may work for your county.

    Location: Universities Grand Ballroom