Host Hotel Information
Wildcatter Ranch
6062 Hwy 16 South
Graham, TX 76450
Rates: $170 a night plus taxes for hotel room
$190 a night plus taxes for cabin suites
Reservations: Once you register for the event, you will receive details to secure reservations at the host hotel. Rooms will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. You have the option to select hotel rooms or cabin suites. Once the host hotel is full, attendees can call the overflow hotels directly and make reservations.
Overflow Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Express
1581 Hwy 380 Bypass
Graham, TX 76450
(940) 521-9188
Rate: $114 per night plus taxes
Note: Mention that you are with Young County to secure this rate.
The Middleton Hotel
509 Fourth St.
Graham, TX 76450
(817) 705-7403
Rate: $100 per night plus taxes
Note: Use code yc24 to secure this rate.
Parking Rates
Complimentary daily self-parking at the Wildcatter Ranch.