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Texas Association of Counties
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    Preparing to Take Office Workshop

    • December 10, 2024 - December 19, 2024 Multi-day
    • 08:00 AM - 03:45 PM
    • Various - See Agenda

    • For more information, please contact Rachel Kucera or Regan Williams at (800) 456-5974.
    • Contact Us
    Preparing to Take Office Workshop

    An overview of the legal requirements that shape how you can transact county business. Learn why hiring your relatives is prohibited, who you can and can’t do business with, and other ways to stay out of trouble.

    A discussion on the pitfalls that can occur in hiring, discipline and termination.

    Learn about the association specific to your office and what it offers you, including newly elected officials orientation and mandatory continuing education.

    Take a deep dive into TAC’s legal publications, education opportunities, planning calendars and other materials TAC provides to help you get started on the right foot.

    Understand how being an elected official affects how you communicate about county business. A simple act, such as having coffee with two friends, may violate the law. This session helps you conduct the public’s business without getting into trouble.

    A discussion on the importance of being involved in the legislative process.

    Former county officials review the need for building relationships to makeyour job easier and more effective. Learn tips on working with the media, including social media. Take a look at the various county government offices and how each affects the others. See how they all must work together to get the job done.

    An open discussion to answer your questions about holding office and county government.

    * Agenda subject to change. Check back later for updates to the topics and speakers as they are confirmed.