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Texas Association of Counties
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    Access to a variety of TAC publications and tools.


    TAC Publications

    ​TAC provides a variety of support and information to county officials and counties to help them deliver vital services to their local residents.


    Planning Calendar

     Resources for Officials  This annual calendar includes reminders for key processes and deadlines mandated by law for counties, along with opportunities for continuing education and networking at county official conferences known at the time of publication.


    2023 TAC Member Report

     Resources for Officials   A yearly report that covers updates, achivements and across TAC and the counties that we serve.


    2024 Education and Training Opportunities

     Resources for Officials Each year, county officials and staff must know more than they did the year before. Education is not an option; it is a must.


    Risk Management Services & Training

     Resources for Officials 
    The Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) provides counties with a stable, sustainable resource of protection against a variety of risks and liabilities.


    2020 Unfunded Mandates Survey

     Resources for Officials 
    In order to assist county officials in explaining the burden unfunded and underfunded mandates place on property taxpayers, several county associations joined together to conduct a survey of counties. 


    County Magazine

     Resources for Officials 
    Includes access to past issues.


    Legal Publications

     Resources for Officials 
    Access to a variety of TAC publications and tools.


    County Issues Newsletter

     Resources for Officials 
    Keep current on the issues important to county government. Get the latest legislative news aticles from the County Issues newsletter.


    Healthy Byte Wellness Newsletter

     Resources for Officials 
    A monthly email to keep you informed and inspired while you're on your wellness journey.


    Salary Survey

     Resources for Officials  This report lists the annual salaries and supplemental pay benefits budgeted for county officials in fiscal year 2024.


    Power Through Pooling - TAC HEBP & UE Fund

     Resources for Officials Your County’s Guide to Protecting Your Employees, Your Assets and Tax Dollars.


    Power Through Pooling - TAC Risk Management Pool

     Resources for Officials Your County’s Guide to Protecting Your Employees, Your Assets and Tax Dollars