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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Texas is 254 counties strong. That's a lot of experience and know-how state lawmakers can rely on when making public policy decisions. County officials across Texas are ready to help.

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    Federal Outreach

    Return to County Legislative Issues

    Texas counties and the services they provide are greatly impacted by the decisions made in Washington, D.C. The TAC Legislative Services department understands this and is your liaison to federal policy makers. Through partnership with the National Association of Counties, TAC makes sure Texas county government's voice is heard in our nation's capital.

    Federal Issues of Importance

    American Rescue Plan – The $1.9 trillion funding package broadly outlines how counties may use the federal money to assist with COVID-related expenses.

    Broadband Expansion – An important issue for counties that has become even more critical as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. A coordinated approach between federal, state and local governments to advance broadband deployment and accessibility while preserving local decision-making is needed.

    A coordinated approach between federal, state and local governments to advance broadband deployment and accessibility while preserving local decision-making is needed.

    American Jobs Plan – The Biden administration's plan to foster economic growth as the pandemic continues to evolve.