Continuing Education for County Treasurers
What is a County Treasurer?
The county treasurer is the chief custodian of county finance and is charged with the safekeeping and investing of county funds. This includes the maintenance and reconciliation of all checking accounts under the care of the county treasurer and the disbursement of funds.
What Does a County Treasurer Do in Texas?
A county treasurer in Texas has the following duties:
- Receives and deposits all county revenues.
- Acts as chief liaison between the county and depository banks.
- Disburses funds upon the order of the Commissioners Court.
- Records receipts and expenditures and reconciles bank statements.
- May prepare the payroll.
- May be designated as the county's investment officer and required to submit regular reports on county finance to the members of the Commissioners Court.
- May also act as the county’s human resources officer, employee benefits coordinator, risk manager and insurance coordinator.
- May have some audit responsibilities in counties with no Auditor.
For more complete information about the responsibilities of a county treasurer and other county officials, see the "Guide to Texas Laws for County Officials."
Please note: Some duties performed by officials may vary within individual counties.
County Treasurer Requirements
County Treasurers are required to attain 20 hours of continuing education during each calendar year that begins after election or appointment.
See the full continuing education requirements and moreCounty Treasurer Qualifications7
The County Treasurer must meet the following qualifications at the time of appointment or election:
- U.S. Citizen.
- Resident of Texas for at least 12 consecutive months.
- Resident of the county for at least six consecutive months.
- Registered to vote in the county.
- At least 18 years of age.
- Not have been finally convicted of a felony from which they have not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities.
- Not have been determined by a court with probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Candidates for this office generally must meet the above qualifications at the time of filing.
For more information, see the Secretary of State Elections Division website.
Legal Source: Local Government Code, Sec. 83.003.
7Vernon's Ann. Texas Const. Art. 16, §44; V.T.C.A., Election Code §141.001
A county treasurer must successfully complete an introductory course of instruction in the performance of the duties of county treasurer:
- within one year after the date on which the person is first elected if elected to a full term; or
- at the earliest available date after appointment or election, as applicable, if appointed by the commissioners court of elected to an unexpired term of county treasurer.
After completion of the first year in office, a county treasurer must successfully complete in each 12-month period at least 20 hours of continuing education in the performance of the duties of county treasurer. The introductory course required by Subsection (a) and the continuing education required by Subsection (b) must be sponsored or cosponsored by an accredited public institution of higher education. To satisfy the requirement of Subsection (b), a county treasurer may carry forward from one 12-month period to the next not more than 10 continuing education hours that the county treasurer completes in excess of the required 20 hours. For purpose of removal under Subchapter B, Chapter 87, "incompetency" in the case of county treasurer includes the failure to complete a course in accordance with this section.
Courses of Study that Qualify
Courses of study must first be approved by the Certification and Validation Committee.
Filing for Credit
The Treasurers Education Committee will decide if credit will be granted and the number of hours that may be earned. For conference not hosted by CTAT, a max of 10 hours will be approved. The program sponsor may assist by submitting a summary of hours to the chair.
Legal Source
Local Government Code, Sec. 83.003
In addition, treasurers must meet the education requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act found in Government Code 2256.008. You may or may not wish to add PFIA language to your web site. The following is the language that governs PFIA training requirements for County Treasurers:
Sec. 2256.008. INVESTMENT TRAINING; LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (e), the treasurer, the chief financial officer if the treasurer is not the chief financial officer, and the investment officer of a local government shall:
(1) attend at least one training session from an independent source approved by the governing body of the local government or a designated investment committee advising the investment officer as provided for in the investment policy of the local government and containing at least 10 hours of instruction relating to the treasurer's or officer's responsibilities under this subchapter within 12 months after taking office or assuming duties; and
(2) except as provided by Subsections (b) and (e), attend an investment training session not less than once in a two-year period and receive not less than 10 hours of instruction relating to investment responsibilities under this subchapter from an independent source approved by the governing body of the local government or a designated investment committee advising the investment officer as provided for in the investment policy of the local government.
Open Government Training Information
Elected and appointed public officials are required by a state law to receive training in Texas open government laws. For more information on this training including free video training courses, check out The Office of the Attorney General website.
County Official Organizations
The Texas Association of Counties serves as the umbrella organization for various independent county official organizations in Texas. These organizations serve as an important resource for county officials for information, networking and advocacy.
The association for this office is County Treasurers' Association of Texas.

See our full calendar of upcoming events
Designed and guided by county officials, our professionally planned educational activities also offer great opportunities to network with your peers.
Coordinating Body
County Treasurers' Association of Texas (CTAT) Certification and Validation Committee
Hon. Dianna M. Spieker
Tom Green County Treasurer
113 W Beauregard Ave
San Angelo, TX 76903-5835
Dianna M. Spieker is the Chair of the County Treasurers' Association of Texas Certification and Validation Committee. This is an annual appointment.