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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legal Services

    LegalEase Newsletter | FAQs by Subject

    News Article | May 01, 2021

    County Officials

    Legal Guidance

    Pieces of cake on plates "Our constable has been asked to server as a courtroom baliff for the district court. He'll be getting paid for both positions. This seems like a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too situation."

    May a county constable also serve as a bailiff?

    Yes. In letter opinions LO-92-73 and LO-97-060 the attorney general found that “no provision of any statute indicates that the position of constable would be incompatible with that of courtroom bailiff in district court.” For more information about dual office holding, and a chart summarizing opinions related to dual office holding by county officials, see our Pitfalls & Perils of Public Office: Dual Office handbook.