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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    County Issues Newsletter | Febuary 28, 2025

    News Article | February 28, 2025

    Inside TAC’s Tuesday Morning Breakfast

    County News | Legislative News
    Legislative Services

    The March 14 bill filing deadline is two weeks away. So far, more than 5,100 bills have been introduced — about 900 more than at this point in 2023. We’re closely tracking all bills affecting county government. Find them here.

    This is a period when county officials can help shape priority bills by reaching out to their senators and representatives and collaborating with their county colleagues. Here are a few takeaways from this week’s Tuesday breakfast briefing.

    Rural Ambulance Funding

    State funding for rural ambulance services is a priority for the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas. Rick Thompson, CJCAT’s program director, reported Tuesday that two identical bills have been filed that would create a rural ambulance grant program: House Bill 3000 by Rep. Ken King (R-Canadian) and Senate Bill 1377 by Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock).

    Counties with populations under 10,000 could receive up to $500,000 to buy ambulances. Counties with populations between 10,000 and 68,750 could be eligible for up to $350,000.

    "What we get out of this bill is what we’re willing to lift," Thompson said. He urged officials to contact their legislators to ask them to support this effort. He also said CJCAT is working with the National Association of Counties on a federal funding request for rural ambulances.

    Countywide Voting

    Sherman County and District Clerk Laura Rogers provided an update on SB 76 by Sen. Bob Hall (R-Edgewood), which would eliminate countywide polling locations, restricting voting to specific precincts. The County & District Clerks’ Association of Texas opposes the bill.

    Rogers thanked the many commissioners courts that have passed resolutions in support of countywide voting. Officials consider countywide voting as cost-efficient for counties and convenient for voters.

    For more on this issue, see this "resolution spotlight" article published last month by County Progress magazine.

    JPCA Priorities

    Tuesday is JPCA Day at the Capitol. Montgomery County Justice of the Peace Wayne Mack outlined key priorities of the Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas, including support for:

    • HB 2176 by Rep. Sam Harless (R-Spring) and SB 1221 by Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola), which would add justices of the peace and constables to local court security committees.
    • HB 2282 by Rep. Janie Lopez (R-San Benito), which would increase the warrant execution reimbursement fee from $50 to $75.
    • HB 2492 by Rep. Rhetta Bowers (D-Rowlett), which would extend the "cooling off" detention period for individuals arrested for family violence offenses.
    • Expanding constable eligibility for rural law enforcement grants.
    Budget and Conference Updates

    We’re monitoring developments with the House and Senate baseline budget bills. A comparison of county-related funding items in both bills is available here.

    The National Association of Counties is holding its 2025 Legislative Conference Saturday through Tuesday, with preconference events being held today. About 90 Texas county officials have registered to attend. Follow conference updates at

    TAC’s Tuesday Morning Breakfasts will keep you on top of the Capitol’s ever-changing legislative landscape. Please join us each Tuesday from 7 to 8 a.m. through May 27.

    Register here for the March 4 Tuesday Morning Breakfast.