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    Legislative Services

    County Issues Newsletter | Febuary 28, 2025

    News Article | February 28, 2025

    Bills of Interest

    County News | Legislative News
    Legislative Services

    HB 22 by Rep. Noble – Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of intangible personal property.

    HB 2847 by Rep. Dutton – Relating to truancy and parental contribution to nonattendance of school; increasing a criminal penalty.

    HB 2920 by Davis, Y. – Relating to the appointment of a special or temporary justice of the peace.

    HB 3166 by Rep. Cook – Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment and to victims’ rights regarding a motion to grant a commutation. (See associated House Joint Resolution, HJR 148, below.)

    HB 3167 by Rep. Cook – Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the criminal offense of organized retail theft; increasing criminal penalties.

    HB 3330 by Rep. Cook – Relating to discovery in a criminal case. (See companion bill below, SB 1124.)

    HJR 148 by Rep. Cook – Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.

    SB 1062 by Sen. Kolkhorst – Relating to the type of newspaper required for publication of public notices.

    SB 1124 by Sen. Huffman – Relating to discovery in a criminal case.

    SB 1367 by Sen. Hughes – Relating to the appointment, duties and removal of the state prosecuting attorney.

    SB 1475 by Sen. Hall – Relating to annual continuing education requirements for county election officers.

    SB 1547 by Sen. Zaffirini – Relating to fees charged by county clerks for certain property records.

    SB 1576 by Sen. Zaffirini – Relating to the qualifications of certain masters, magistrates, referees and associate judges.

    SB 1628 by Sen. Miles – Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information of applicants for public employment or an occupational license.

    SB 1647 by Sen. Hughes – Relating to the practice and procedures for summoning prospective grand jurors and petit jurors and the exemption of certain persons from grand jury and petit jury services.