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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    County Issues Newsletter | January 2023

    News Article | January 20, 2023

    Baseline Budget Bills Released

    County News | Legislative News
    Legislative Services

    The House and Senate versions of the state budget for the 2024-25 biennium, House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1, were filed on Wednesday. The introduced appropriation bills, also known as baseline budget bills, are the starting point for budget deliberations. Although the budget-writing committees – House Appropriations and Senate Finance – hold hearings simultaneously, the chambers traditionally take turns originating the general appropriations act and chairing the budget conference committee.

    For the 88th legislative session, the state budget will originate in the House. Therefore, the final version of the bill will be HB 1.

    See TAC's State Budget Worksheet for a comparison of the funding included in the House and Senate baseline bills for items of importance to counties. TAC's Legislative staff will provide additional details and analysis of this funding as the 88th legislative session progresses.

    For more on funding for counties in the state budget, contact your legislative consultant or Zelma Smith.