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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Grant Opportunities

    Texas Clean Fleet Program

    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) invites applications for the Texas Clean Fleet Program (TCFP). The TCFP was established to encourage a person that has a fleet of diesel-powered vehicles to replace them with alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles. Eligible Applicants include:

    • An individual or entity with a fleet of 75 or more vehicles that are registered in Texas. 

    • An applicant must submit a minimum of 10 vehicles for replacement in an application. An applicant will still be eligible to receive funding if TCEQ denies an award for one or more of the vehicles included in the application.

    Applications for eligible projects will be evaluated, scored, and ranked according to the scoring criteria tied to the cost per ton of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in emissions projected to be reduced. Projects with the lowest cost per ton of NOX reduced, as compared to all other projects, will receive the most points.
    See the Texas Clean Fleet Program Map for those counties in which projects are eligible. Projects located in ozone nonattainment counties – those with air quality not meeting federal clean air standards – receive additional points in the scoring process.

    Anticipated Total Awarded:
    Maximum Award:
    Match Requirement: 20%
    Duration of Grant Award:
    Date Available: 1/24/2025 8:00 AM
    Date Due: 3/21/2025 5:00 PM

    Funding Agency Contact:
    or (512) 239-4424