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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Grant Opportunities

    RAISE Grant Program, FY2025 Funding Opportunity (U.S. DOT)

    This program offers $1.5 billion, with an application deadline of January 30, 2025, for the FY2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). An applicant who applied under the FY2024 RAISE NOFO, advanced to the Highly Rated List but was not selected for award, is eligible for funding reserved for FY2024 Projects of Merit. To be considered for these reserved funds, such applicants must email the U.S. DOT ( by December 2, 2024. FY2024 Projects of Merit not selected for award of reserved funds must submit a revised application to be considered under the FY2025 RAISE program. Eligible applicants include states, territories, local governments, public agencies, tribal governments, transit agencies, and multi-state entities. The program funds projects significantly impacting local or regional surface transportation, emphasizing sustainability, equity, climate resilience, safety, and economic growth.

    Anticipated Total Awarded: $1.5 Billion
    Maximum Award: $25,000,000
    Match Requirement: Up to 80% federal funding for urban projects; Up to 100% federal funding for projects in rural and disadvantaged communities
    Duration of Grant Award:
    Date Available: 11/1/2024 7:41 AM
    Date Due: 1/30/2025 10:59 PM

    Funding Agency Contact: