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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Grant Opportunities

    Other Victim Assistance Grant (OVAG), FY 2026-27

    The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is soliciting local and statewide applications for projects that provide victim-related services or assistance. The purpose of the OAG OVAG program is to provide funds, using a competitive allocation method, to programs that address the unmet needs of victims by maintaining or increasing their access to quality services. Eligible entities include local units of government, non-profit and state agencies.

    Anticipated Total Awarded:
    Maximum Award:
    Match Requirement: None
    Duration of Grant Award: 2 years – Sept. 1, 2025 -Aug. 31, 2027
    Date Available: 2/14/2025 8:00 AM
    Date Due: 3/14/2025 5:00 PM

    Funding Agency Contact: or call (512) 936-0792