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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Grant Opportunities

    Mental Health Grant for Justice-Involved Individuals, FY2024

    Matching grants to county-based community collaboratives to reduce rates of recidivism, arrests, and incarcerations amongst individuals with mental illness and to also reduce wait times for individuals with mental illness placed on forensic commitment to a state hospital.

    Match Requirement

    •    100% of the grant amount if the MHGJII program is in a county with a population of 250,000 or more.

    •    50% of the grant amount if the MHGJII program is in a county with a population of less than 250,000 but equal to or more than 100,000.

    •    25% of the grant amount if the MHGJII program is in a county with a population of less than 100,000.

    Anticipated Total Awarded:
    Maximum Award:
    Match Requirement:
    Duration of Grant Award:
    Date Available:
    Date Due: 8/31/2024 5:00 PM