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Texas Association of Counties
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    Risk Management Services

    The Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) has provided counties with a stable, sustainable resource of protection against risks and liabilities for more than 45 years.


    Risk Management Services

    Phone: (800) 456-5974

    Risk Management Services Director: Michael Shannon

    Associate Director: Robert Ruiz
    Deputy Director, Operational Risk Services: Jennifer Kolbasinski
    Coordinator: Lee Bell-Hovland
    Risk Analyst: Teril Moncivais

    Risk Consultant Consulting
    Risk Management Consultants
    Northeast: Edward Perez
    Northwest: Steve Owens
    Southeast: Lisa McCaig
    Southwest: Ernesto Galindo

    Underwriting and Member Services
    Fax: (512) 479-1426

    Deputy Director, Underwriting Services: Kelly Flores

    Member Services and Underwriting Specialist: Rafaela Galindo
    Underwriting Services Supervisor: Lucia Espinoza

    Northeast/Northwest: Yolanda De La Fuente
    Southeast/Southwest: Lucia Espinoza

    Member Services Representatives
    Northeast: Brittany Davis
    Northwest: Vacant
    Southeast: Nelly Cano
    Southwest: Sofia Maldonado

    Risk Control Services
    Fax: (512) 476-6231

    Deputy Director, Risk Control Services: Clemente "Clem" Zabalza
    Risk Control Administrative Assistant: Kristin Bryan

    Human Resources Consultants
    Supervisor: Lorie Floyd

    Northeast: Halie Bever
    Northwest: Rita Fyffe
    Southeast: Lisa Idais
    Southwest: Cheraun Blankenship

    Risk Control Consultants
    Northeast: Joe Szewczyk
    Northwest: Nick Agorichas
    Southeast: Isaac Garcia
    Southwest: Vacant

    Law Enforcement & Simulator Consultants
    Supervisor: Darren Jackson

    Northeast: Kenny Lemons Jr.
    Northwest: David Whitis
    Southeast: Vacant
    Southwest: Carmen Napp

    Driving Simulator Consultant: Don Courtney
    Law Enforcement Simulator Training: Jessica Medrano
    Law Enforcement Education Specialist: Steph Plover

    Claims Hotline: (855) 47CLAIM or (855) 472-5246

    Claims Manager: Stacy L. Corluccio

    Property and Auto Claims Program Supervisor: Brett Anderson

    Liability Claims Program Supervisor: Andrea Beard

    Workers' Compensation Claims Program Supervisor: Helana Barmore

    Claims Support Specialists: Victoria Lopez, Itzel Uvalle

    Claims Examiners

    Auto and General Liability
    Northeast: Lisa Horton
    Northwest/Southwest: Kendra Franklin
    Southeast: Vacant

    Auto Physical Damage and Property
    Northeast: Makaelah Kaiser
    Northwest/Southwest: Stephen Sanchez
    Southeast: Tanya Davis

    Public Officials and Law Enforcement
    Northeast: Misty Pahl
    Southeast: Joe Copeland
    Northwest/Southwest: Mary Briseno

    Workers' Compensation Claims

    (800) 752-6301

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