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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    Texas is 254 counties strong. That's a lot of experience and know-how state lawmakers can rely on when making public policy decisions. County officials across Texas are ready to help.

    Outreach Tools

    Core Legislative Group

    When legislators are faced with issues that may affect local government, they want to hear from local elected and appointed officials. As a county official, there are numerous ways to participate in the legislative process when you join the Core Legislative Group.

    As a member, you can help by:

    • Contacting your local legislators in person, by phone, by email or electronically.
    • You can reach out to your legislators regarding specific legislation. We ask that you try to maintain a consistent level of communication (calls, emails, text messages, personal visits and social media interaction) with your legislative delegation, not just during session, but throughout the interim.
    • Providing testimony (written or verbal) or completing a witness card for or against legislation.
    • We will continue to rely on the expertise of the Core Legislative Group in providing testimony on county bills during committee hearings.
    • Supplying TAC with your opinions regarding legislation that will impact county government.
    • Periodically, we will ask for your assessment of how a bill might affect your county or the operations of a particular county office. Your insight helps us communicate the effect of a bill to legislators and staff early in the process and will help improve these county-related bills.

    If you are interested in participating in the legislative process, please email Pete Winckler.

    Please note that any information submitted is subject to open records requests under the Texas Public Information Act.