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Texas Association of Counties
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    Education & Training

    The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) provides a wide variety of coordinated, professionally planned training events to address the daily challenges of county officials and staff.

    Education & Training

    County Elections Academy

    TAC County Elections Academy logoThe Texas Association of Counties (TAC) County Elections Academy provides educational opportunities to help the county officials and personnel responsible for holding efficient and secure elections. 

    "The Academy, created in 2022, will not only provide practical support for election officials but also give them some additional paths to education," said TAC Executive Director Susan M. Redford. The classes will help election officials "show the critics that they’re getting the education they need and that they’re doing everything they need to,” she said. "Elections are a core function of county government and this academy is another opportunity for the Association to unite counties to achieve better solutions," she continued. 

    The TAC President has appointed an Education Committee, which is made up of four clerks, four election administrators, one tax assessor-collector/voter registrar and ex officio members from the Texas Secretary of State’s Office. The committee is looking to create a curriculum that offers practical advice for rerunning elections in the county. 

    Conferences and Training

    To help meet the busy schedules of election officials, the academy will alternate between online and in-person conferences from year to year.  

    Odd Years = In Person, Even Years = Virtual 

    Elections Academy Staff

    For more information or questions regarding conference registration, please contact our staff below: 

    Sam Burke
    Senior Education Project Coordinator
    Deanna Auert
    Deputy Director of Education, Event and Affiliate Services
    Education & Training

    County Elections Academy Calendar of Events

     Education and Training  Visit our calendar for more information and to register for a specific County Electins Academy event.


    County Elections Academy Advisory Committee

     Education and Training  The County Elections Academy Advisory Committee supports elections education programs for constitutional county officials.