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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legal Services

    LegalEase Newsletter | FAQs by Subject

    News Article | January 17, 2024

    Public Information Act

    Legal Guidance

    "We always used to mail our requests for an Attorney General Opinion to their office. I heard the latest legislative session changed some things in the Public Information Act. How are we supposed to request an AG Opinion now?"

    What are the new requirements for submitting documents for an Attorney General Opinion?

    Government Code §552.3031 of the Public Information Act now requires the submission of documents through the Attorney General's designated electronic filing system, unless the county has fewer than 16 full-time employees, the county's population is under 150,000, the format or amount of information makes use of the filing system impossible, or if the request is hand-delivered to the Office of the Attorney General. For more information, see our updated publication, Public Information Act.