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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legal Services

    LegalEase Newsletter | FAQs by Subject

    News Article | May 01, 2021

    Open Meetings Act

    Legal Guidance

    Cruise ship "The county judge is on a 30-day cruise. How is the court expected to do business without the judge attending commissioners court?"

    Can commissioners court meet without the county judge being present?

    Yes. A meeting is a gathering called and conducted by a commissioners court at which a quorum of the court is present and receives information from, gives information to, asks questions of, or receives questions from any third person, including a county employee, about the public business or policy over which the court has supervision or control. Tex. Gov't Code § 551.001(4)(B) A quorum of the court is three members. Tex. Loc. Gov't Code §81.006(a).