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    Legislative Services

    County Issues Newsletter | March 7, 2025

    News Article | March 07, 2025

    Week in Review: A Digest of Capitol News

    County News | Legislative News
    Legislative Services

    County Officials Share Local Perspective

    On March 6, Sherman County Combination Clerk Laura Rogers and Hays County Elections Administrator Jennifer Doinoff testified before the House Elections Committee. They were invited by the committee to share their expertise on election matters and outlined legislative priorities for their associations, the County and District Clerks’ Association and the Texas Association of County Election Officials.

    Archived video of their testimony is available here. Doinoff’s testimony begins at the 1:52:28 mark, and Roger’s at 2:39:43.

    Later the same day, they testified before the Senate State Affairs Committee in support of Senate Bill 985 by Sen. Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston). The bill seeks to fix a 2023 law that removed the ability of counties participating in the Countywide Polling Place Program to combine election precincts. Archived video of the hearing is available here.

    Additionally on March 6, Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector Larry Gaddes, Legislative Chair for the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association, testified before the House Subcommittee on Property Tax Appraisals. He provided insight into the role and function of the Tax Assessor-Collector’s office and discussed potential improvements to the property tax system in Texas.

    Archived video of the hearing is available here. Gaddes’ testimony begins at the 2:48:20 mark.

    Broadband Grants on Hold

    The Broadband Development Office (BDO) has temporarily paused all grants and contracts tied to the federal State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program as the federal government realigns its priorities under the new administration.

    The BDO is advising potential applicants to hold off on investing time and resources into applications until the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) provides further clarity on the program’s future. This pause may affect counties planning to apply for funding to support digital inclusion initiatives. The office remains in active discussions with NTIA and will share updates as they become available.

    For questions, contact

    Critical Milestone Approaches

    Under the Texas Constitution, only matters deemed emergency items by the governor or measures receiving a four-fifths majority vote can be considered before the 60th day of a legislative session. The 60th day also marks the last day a legislator may file a bill at their sole discretion.

    With thousands of drafting requests still pending, attorneys at the Texas Legislative Council are working furiously to supply bill text to legislators’ offices so they can meet the March 14 filing deadline. The current count of around 6,000 bills is likely to surge to 10,000 or more. The result? A logjam of thousands of proposed laws awaiting the committee and full chamber hearings they need to earn a place in state law.

    Proposed Ban on Public Funds for Dues, Lobbying Advances

    On Feb. 27, the Senate State Affairs Committee considered Senate Bill 19 by Sen. Mayes Middleton (R-Galveston). SB 19 would prohibit the use of public funds to pay certain association dues, including to the Texas Association of Counties and associations representing county offices. The bill would further prohibit the expenditure of public funds to employ a lobbyist. This week, the Committee moved consideration of the measure to the full Senate on a 10-1 vote. Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo) cast the lone dissenting committee vote.

    Archived video of last week’s State Affairs Committee hearing on SB 19 is available in two parts: Part I and Part II.

    County Officials to Brief Legislators on Indigent Defense

    In recognition of the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1963 Gideon v. Wainwright ruling, county officials will travel to Austin on March 18. Attendees will join TAC’s Tuesday Morning Breakfast, then head to the Capitol to meet with lawmakers to discuss indigent defense issues and funding.

    Legislative Directory Available

    TAC’s Legislative Directory for the 89th Legislature is now available. The directory includes contact information for legislative leaders, committees, county official associations and TAC’s Legislative Services team.

    Order your free copy here.

    Week in Review is a collaborative column from TAC Legislative Services.