News Article | March 07, 2025
Bills of Interest
HB 32 by Rep. Button – Relating to the eviction from real property of certain persons not entitled to enter, occupy or remain in possession of the premises.
HB 1977 by Rep. Cook – Relating to the admissibility of evidence of certain extraneous offenses or acts in the prosecution of sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault or an attempt or conspiracy to commit sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault.
HB 2348 by Rep. Capriglione – Relating to the video recording of a deposition taken of the testimony of certain elderly or disabled persons in a criminal case.
HB 3123 by Rep. Kitzman – Relating to the powers and duties of a personal bond or personal bond and pretrial supervision office.
HB 3199 by Rep. Craddick – Relating to the requirement that certain ad valorem tax-related notices be delivered to a property owner by certified mail.
HB 3365 by Rep. Perez, M.A. – Relating to the sale and delivery of certain license plates.
HB 3425 by Rep. Capriglione – Relating to the prosecution of certain criminal offenses involving the unlawful disclosure of a residence address or telephone number.
HB 3790 by Rep. Morgan – Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain offenses committed by an alien.
SB 20 by Sen. Flores – Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of possession or promotion of obscene visual material appearing to depict a child.
SB 293 by Sen. Huffman – Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related retirement benefits, and the reporting of certain judicial transparency information; authorizing an administrative penalty.
SB 442 by Sen. Hinojosa, J. – Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the offense of unlawful production or distribution of certain sexually explicit media; increasing a criminal penalty.
SB 634 by Sen. Eckhardt – Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount, of the appraised value of an individual’s residence homestead.
SB 776 by Sen. Hughes – Relating to the award of compensatory damages caused by certain delays under governmental construction contracts.
SB 1902 by Sen. Nichols – Relating to the administration of the dealer-issued license plates database and to the removal and transfer of license plates.
SB 1666 by Sen. Zaffirini – Relating to the payment of restitution by a person released on parole or to mandatory supervision.
SB 1667 by Sen. Zaffirini – Relating to the procedures for the expunction of arrest records and files; authorizing a fee.
SB 1805 by Sen. Sparks – Relating to the administration of and procedures relating to early voting by personal appearance.