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Texas Association of Counties
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    Legislative Services

    County Issues Newsletter | January 17, 2025

    News Article | January 17, 2025

    TAC Kicks Off Weekly Legislative Briefings

    County News | Legislative News
    Legislative Services

    A few hours before the 89th Texas Legislature was gaveled in at noon on Tuesday, the Texas Association of Counties hosted the first of its weekly working breakfasts for the legislative session. These briefings provide high-level overviews of county-related bills that the Texas House and Senate will consider before the session ends June 2.

    Seventy participants joined the meeting online, with about 40 attending in person. Caroline Love, Director of TAC's Legislative Services, welcomed attendees to the breakfast. She emphasizing TAC's role as an educational and informational resource for county officials navigating the legislative process.

    Members of TAC's Legislative Services team, county officials and leaders from county official associations offered glimpses into the work ahead. More than 2,600 bills and resolutions have already been filed, with thousands more expected before the March 14 bill filing deadline. Historically, only 15%-20% of filed bills become law, but between one-third and one-half of enacted bills affect county government.

    Senior Fiscal and Policy Analyst Zelma Smith briefed attendees on the state's budget outlook. In his biennial revenue estimate released Monday, Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced that legislators would have $196.4 billion available for the 2026-27 budget. Additionally, Hegar said, lawmakers are starting the session with a $23.8 billion surplus carried over from the current two-year budget, which ends Aug. 31.

    TAC Executive Director Susan M. Redford concluded the meeting by highlighting TAC's theme, "Stronger Together." She encouraged members to take advantage of TAC's extensive resources throughout the session.

    As legislative activity ramps up, TAC's Tuesday Morning Breakfasts will keep county officials informed about the latest developments at the Capitol. The meetings begin at 7 a.m. every Tuesday.

    Register here for the Jan. 21 Tuesday Morning Breakfast. Virtual participants will receive a Webex link before the meeting.

    For questions about the breakfast meetings, please contact Amy Ruedas at (800) 456‑5974.